Klinisk biokemisk afdeling - Labka-analyseoversigt
Rigshospitalets Labportal
Rigshospitalets Labportal
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PARASYN     P—Paraneoplastisk syndrom-Ab gruppe  (version 3) NPU29517
Komponent (og evt. kvantitetsart) :P—Paraneoplastisk syndrom-Ab gruppe
Labka-kode (evt. MDS) :PARASYN
IFCC-IUPAC-kode (SP-kode):NPU29517
Synonymer :Paraneoplastisk Syndrom;P (RSD00283)
IFCC-IUPAC-navn :P—Paraneoplastisk syndrom-antistof; arb.k.(liste; proc.)
Nationalt kortnavn :Paraneoplastisk syndrom-Ab gruppe;P  (autoriseret af: DSKI)
Svarformat :0
Version :3
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 Følgende indgår i listen:
Labka kode (evt. MDS) IFCC-IUPAC (SP-kode) System Komponent; kvantitetsart Enhed Version
amphi NPU28553 P Amphiphysin-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc) 1
caspr1igg NPU62095 P CASPR1-IgG;P 1
cdr2igg NPU28425 P Cerebellar degeneration-relateret protein 2-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc) 1
cdr2ligg NPU62094 P CDR2L-IgG 1
cerigg NPU60443 P Cerebellum-antistof(IgG); arb.k.(proc.) 1
drp5igg NPU28412 P Dihydropyrimidinase-relateret protein 5-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc) 1
gad65igg NPU12544 P Glutamatdecarboxylase(gad65)-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc) 1
neuronck1 NPU28556 P Neuroncellekerne-protein(type 1)-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc) 1
nova1igg NPU28421 P RNA-binding protein NOVA 1-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc) 1
paraneotr NPU29482 P Delta and Notch-like epidermal growth factor-related receptor-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc)- 1
pnma2igg NPU28426 P Paraneoplastic antigen Ma2-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc) 1
recoverin NPU29470 P Recoverin-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc) 1
RSD00283 RSD00283 P Paraneoplastisk Syndrom 1
sox1 NPU29471 P Transcription factor SOX-1-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc) 1
titin NPU53667 P Titin-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc) 1
zic4 NPU29487 P Zinc finger protein ZIC 4-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc) 1
Hospital Udført af Laboratorium Del af listeanalyse Version
Rigshospitalet Blegdamsvej Odense Universitetshospital, Klinisk Immunologisk Afdeling (OUH-KIA) 3
Rigshospitalet Glostrup Odense Universitetshospital, Klinisk Immunologisk Afdeling (OUH-KIA) 3
Amager Hospital Eksternt Laboratorium, Statens Serum Institut (EKSTERN-SSI) 3
Bispebjerg og Frederiksberg Hospital Eksternt Laboratorium, Statens Serum Institut (EKSTERN-SSI) 3
Nordsjællands hospital - Hillerød Odense Universitetshospital, Klinisk Immunologisk Afdeling (OUH-KIA) 3
 Rigshospitalets Laboratorievejledning
PARASYN  PParaneoplastisk syndrom-Ab gruppe (version 3)  
Labka-kode (evt. MDS) IFCC-IUPAC (SP-kode) System Komponent; kvantitetsart Referenceinterval
amphi NPU28553 P Amphiphysin-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc)  
cdr2igg NPU28425 P Cerebellar degeneration-relateret protein 2-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc)  
cerigg NPU60443 P Cerebellum-antistof(IgG); arb.k.(proc.)  
drp5igg NPU28412 P Dihydropyrimidinase-relateret protein 5-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc)  
enolase NPU29624 P Alpha-enolase-antistof(IgG); arb.k.(proc.)  
gad65igg NPU12544 P Glutamatdecarboxylase(gad65)-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc)  
neuronck1 NPU28556 P Neuroncellekerne-protein(type 1)-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc)  
nova1igg NPU28421 P RNA-binding protein NOVA 1-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc)  
paraneotr NPU29482 P Delta and Notch-like epidermal growth factor-related receptor-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc)-  
pnma2igg NPU28426 P Paraneoplastic antigen Ma2-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc)  
recoverin NPU29470 P Recoverin-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc)  
sox1 NPU29471 P Transcription factor SOX-1-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc)  
titin NPU53667 P Titin-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc)  
zic4 NPU29487 P Zinc finger protein ZIC 4-antistof(IgG);arb.k.(proc)  
glyrsab NPU29675 P Glycin receptor alpha-1-Ab  
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Odense Universitetshospital
Klinisk Immunologisk Afdeling